The internet is a small place. A few days ago I noticed it was a friend's birthday on Facebook. I used to work with this person and I smile even today when I think about our time together. She was funny and whimsical and just a generally kind person. After we left the company, we went our separate ways, but stayed in touch for a while on FB. In my feed, a photo appeared of a ceramic sign I made several years ago with the words, Follow Your Bliss on it. What was odd is that it was a friend of my friend that posted the photo. I inquired about the photo and they shared that they had taken the photo of the sign on a hike on a trail near my house. I was reminded that in 2010, I hung some of my seconds on the hiking trail in an effort to spread some joy to others and help to alleviate the growing pile of seconds I had made. I figured the signs would either remain where I hung them or they would be rehomed and either way, I would be sharing the work I created. I started making the signs in 2006. The signs have made their way in and out of my studio and have sold well. I really appreciated seeing my work turn up in the most random way. It was a reminder of why I create the pieces I do. And a reminder to continue to follow my bliss. Hope you are doing something you enjoy and that you inspire others with the work you do.